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Original File: ryansdaughter19702ndpic.jpg
File Name: 2024093000004372.jpg
Image Added: September 29, 2024
The Producer And The Director
The producer Anthony Havelock-Allan (left) and the director David Lean (right) were pictured on the set of the film Ryan's Daughter (1970). It is a British epic romantic drama film directed by Lean. This became the 8th highest grossing film of 1970.
#anthonyhavelockallan, #davidlean, #producer, #director, #ryansdaughter, #epicromantic Movie Review: Ryan's Daughter (1970) Film Review: Movie Review: Ryan's Daughter (1970)
#anthonyhavelockallan, #davidlean, #producer, #director, #ryansdaughter, #epicromantic Movie Review: Ryan's Daughter (1970) Film Review: Movie Review: Ryan's Daughter (1970)