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Original File: tumblrlzvuqtfK6a1r9qhhio11280.jpg
File Name: 2015090800002538.jpg
Image Added: September 7, 2015
Hitchcock and the Giant Telephone
This is a picture of the director Alfred Hitchcock and it was taken on the set of the film Dial M for Murder (1954). The movie was filmed in 3D and the camera couldn't cope with close-ups so Hitchcock, who rarely deviated from his storyboards, had a huge telephone made. That's what you see in this picture.
#dialmformurder, #alfredhitchcock Film Review : Dial M for Murder (1954) Movie Review : Dial M for Murder (1954)
#dialmformurder, #alfredhitchcock Film Review : Dial M for Murder (1954) Movie Review : Dial M for Murder (1954)