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Date of Photo: 1976
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Original File: GordonWillisandAlanJPakula.jpg
File Name: 2016020300003059.jpg
Image Added: February 3, 2016
Cinematographer Gordon Willis on the set of All The President’s Men
Cinematographer Gordon Willis on location with director/actor Woody Allen, shooting 'Annie Hall' Long Island NY 1977 Gordon Willis was an American cinematographer best known for his work on Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather series as well as Woody Allen's Annie Hall and Manhattan. Willis didn't work on that many movies, relative to other cinematographers of his generation. He started in feature films late, lensing director Aram Avakian's controversial 1970 establishment take-down End Of The Road at age 38, after spending years as a cameraman-for-hire in New York; and Willis worked on his last film, The Devil's Own, in 1997, deciding that he had no patience for the direction that cinema was heading. But between 1970 and 1985 in particular, Willis joined the likes of Haskell Wexler, Néstor Almendros, Vilmos Zsigmond, Sven Nykvist, and Michael Ballhaus as part of a wave of cinematographers who were changing the way cinema looked, playing with lighting and film stock to give images a more tactile quality. One critic suggested that “more than any other director of photography, Willis defined the cinematic look of the 1970s.”
#gordonwillis, #alanjpakula, #princeofdarkness, #AllThePresidentsMen The Prince of Darkness
#gordonwillis, #alanjpakula, #princeofdarkness, #AllThePresidentsMen The Prince of Darkness