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Copyright Holder: SND Distribution
Original File: michaelclaytonmichaelclayton171020070510200714g.jpg
File Name: 2016011400002998.jpg
Image Added: January 14, 2016
On Location : Michael Clayton (2007)
This photo was taken on the set of the film Michael Clayton (2007). It is an American legal thriller film written and directed by Tony Gilroy, starring George Clooney, Tom Wilkinson, Tilda Swinton and Sydney Pollack. The film received positive reviews and was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Original Screenplay for Gilroy, Best Actor for Clooney, and Best Supporting Actor for Wilkinson, with Swinton winning the award for Best Supporting Actress. In this picture, the director Tony Gilroy (middle) and the actor George Clooney (nearest to Tony) are clearly visible among the crew members on the set.
#michaelclayton, #tonygilroy, #georgeclooney Film Info : Michael Clayton (2007) Film Review : Michael Clayton (2007)
#michaelclayton, #tonygilroy, #georgeclooney Film Info : Michael Clayton (2007) Film Review : Michael Clayton (2007)