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Original File: guesswhomeinetochterkriegstdunichtguesswho11rcm0x1920u.jpg
File Name: 2016070400003326.jpg
Image Added: July 4, 2016
Kevin Rodney Sullivan : Guess Who (2005)
This photo was taken on the set of the film Guess Who (2005). It is an American comedy film about race relations directed by Kevin Rodney Sullivan. It is a loose remake of the 1967 film Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, in the form of a romantic comedy. While the 1967 film covered interracial romance of a black man with a white woman, the 2005 film covered the topic of a white man with a black woman. The film stars Bernie Mac, Ashton Kutcher, and Zoe Saldana. The director Kevin Rodney Sullivan (wearing a cap) can be seen in this picture.
#guesswho, #kevinrodneysullivan Film Info : Guess Who (2005) Film Review : Guess Who (2005)
#guesswho, #kevinrodneysullivan Film Info : Guess Who (2005) Film Review : Guess Who (2005)