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Original File: C484C980D53DC6D8F754626AE7D3E3970A1622E0AEC39F59BD7435026CAE9C1B.jpgwidth1920crop02C02C9832C555.367231638418cropxunits983cropyunits655rotate0s.contrast0s.saturation0s.brightness0s.grayscale0s.alpha1quality100s.jpg
File Name: 2015010800001678.jpg
Image Added: January 7, 2015
Foxcatcher (2014)
This behind the scene image is from the film Foxcatcher (2014). It is an American biographical drama film co-produced and directed by Bennett Miller. The actor Steve Carell (left), Mark Ruffalo (second from left : with a beard), movie referee Fred Feeney (white shirt), Channing Tatum (topless man) and the director Bennett Miller (right) are seen here in this picture. The cast and the director are just looking at scene just filmed.
#foxcatcher Film Info : Foxcatcher (2014) Foxcatcher (2014) Review
#foxcatcher Film Info : Foxcatcher (2014) Foxcatcher (2014) Review