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Original File: makingthematrix.jpg
File Name: 201411030000874.jpg
Image Added: November 3, 2014
Bullet Time Rig : The Matrix (1999)
A production still from the movie The Matrix (1999). It is an American-Australian science fiction action film written and directed by The Wachowskis. The film is most known for popularizing a visual effect known as ‘bullet time’. It is a shot effect that progressing in slow-motion while the camera appears to be moving throughout the scene at normal speed. Each camera is a still-picture camera, and not a motion picture camera, and it contributes just one frame to the video sequence. When the sequence of shots is viewed as in a movie, the viewers sees what are in effect two-dimensional ‘slices’ of a three-dimensional moment. Watching such a ‘time slice’ movie is same a a real-life experience of walking around ‘in the scene’, from different angles. This picture shows the part of the bullet time rig which was used to create the famous bullet scene of the film.
#matrix1999 Film Review : The Matrix (1999) The Matrix (1999) Review
#matrix1999 Film Review : The Matrix (1999) The Matrix (1999) Review