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Original File: MichaelJordanfilmingSpaceJam.jpg
File Name: 2015110800002772.jpg
Image Added: November 8, 2015
Michael Jordan in Space Jam (1996)
This photo was taken while shooting the film Space Jam (1996). The actor Michael Jordan is doing the scene here. Space Jam is an American family sports comedy film starring basketball player Michael Jordan and featuring the Looney Tunes cartoon characters. As you see on this picture, lots of green walls, green floors and actors wearing green suits have been used for making the film. This served as a placement guide for the artist animating Bugs as well as for the artists creating the animated background. It also enabled Michael to make and sustain eye contact with Bugs.
#spacejam, #michaeljordan Film Info : Space Jam (1996) Film Review : Space Jam (1996)
#spacejam, #michaeljordan Film Info : Space Jam (1996) Film Review : Space Jam (1996)