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Original File: MV5BMTUzNzY1MjUxMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDI2NzgwMw.V1SY1000CR0015511000AL.jpg
File Name: 2016111700003671.jpg
Image Added: November 16, 2016
Two Directors on Set
This behind the scenes image is from the film Bound (1996). The directors Lana Wachowski (left) and Andy Wachowski (right) can be seen in this picture. Bound is an American neo-noir crime thriller film written and directed by The Wachowskis in their feature film directorial debut. This film received positive reviews from film critics and it won several festival awards.
#bound, #lanawachowski, #andywachowski Film Info : Bound (1996) Film Review : Bound (1996)
#bound, #lanawachowski, #andywachowski Film Info : Bound (1996) Film Review : Bound (1996)