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Original File: Ryan2BCoogler.jpg
File Name: 2016070700003352.jpg
Image Added: July 7, 2016
On Set of Creed (2015)
The director Ryan Coogler (wearing grey color t-shirt) and the cinematographer Maryse Alberti (wearing spectacles) were pictured on the set of the film Creed (2015). It is an American sports drama film, directed by Ryan Coogler. Creed is a spin-off and sequel to the Rocky film series. It grossed $173.6 million, against a budget of $35 million. This film is considered as the best Rocky film in many years.
#creed, #ryancoogler, #marysealberti Film Info : Creed (2015) Film Review : Creed (2015)
#creed, #ryancoogler, #marysealberti Film Info : Creed (2015) Film Review : Creed (2015)