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Original File: 84OO9PV851HC0003.jpg
File Name: 2015111000002782.jpg
Image Added: November 10, 2015
On Location : Ghosts (1997)
This photo is from the film Ghosts (1997). It is a short film starring Michael Jackson, co-written by horror novelist Stephen King and directed by film director and special effects guru Stan Winston which could also be classified as a long-form music video. Here in this picture the director Stan Winston (right) can be seen giving directions to the actor Michael Jackson(left) on the set of the film. Jackson plays a total of five roles in the film.
#ghosts, #michaeljackson, #stanwinston Film Info : Ghosts (1997) Film Review : Ghosts (1997)
#ghosts, #michaeljackson, #stanwinston Film Info : Ghosts (1997) Film Review : Ghosts (1997)