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Original File: thekillingfields1984.jpg
File Name: 2024092000004354.jpg
Image Added: September 20, 2024
A Discussion On The Set
Actors Haing S Ngor (left), Sam Waterson (center) and the director Roland Joffé (right) were pictured on the set of the film The Killing Fields (1984). It is a British biographical drama film directed by Roland Joffe. This film was a box office success and won three Oscars. It is considered one of the best British films ever made.
#haingsngor, #samwaterson, #rolandjoffe, #thekillingfields, #britishfilms, #greatfilms Movie Review: The Killing Fields (1984) Film Reviews: The Killing Fields (1984)
#haingsngor, #samwaterson, #rolandjoffe, #thekillingfields, #britishfilms, #greatfilms Movie Review: The Killing Fields (1984) Film Reviews: The Killing Fields (1984)