Date of Photo:
Photo Credit: Mary Ellen Mark
Url Photo Credit: http://www.maryellenmark.com/index.html
Copyright Holder:
Original File: 0c2328a662f57corig.jpeg
File Name: 201410200000577.jpg
Image Added: October 19, 2014
Christina Ricci In Her Dressing Room : Sleepy Hollow (1999)
This photo was taken by Mary Ellen Mark at the dressing room on the set of Sleepy Hollow. Christina Ricci is the girl in this picture. She is preparing for the scene where Ichabod finds her reading the Compendium of Spells, Charms and Devices of the Spirit World on the set of "Sleepy Hollow".
Movie Review : Sleepy Hollow (1999) Summary of the Film Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Movie Review : Sleepy Hollow (1999) Summary of the Film Sleepy Hollow (1999)